
HubSpot is our church’s central platform for managing communication, and member engagement. It allows us to track interactions, log activities, and handle sensitive information related to our church. This guide will walk you through key functions like logging activities, managing sensitive data, and keeping track of follow-ups.

Hubspot Survival Guide

Helpful Email policies and guidelines to follow in Hubspot:

Email Policy

Notes on Profiles

One of the best and most underutilized features of HubSpot is the Notes you can make on people. We have an average of 1,500 people attending Redeemer on a regular basis and there is no way that we can all know everything about every one of our members, let alone those who attend and visit. But, as a staff, we are all regularly interacting with people throughout the week. We are contacting people about serving, connecting them to GCs, meeting to talk about shepherding and care issues, etc. 
In the past, we have asked you to include specific notes about the meeting (the content of what was discussed). While I would argue that is still highly valuable content and it would be helpful to you (and everyone else) to include in the note, here is the new minimum standard:  we need you to document ALL contacts that you have had with people, including meetings, phone calls, reaching out to Next Steps people, etc. 
In my work as a Speech Language Pathologist, we always say that  if you didn't document it, it didn't happen. So if you are meeting with someone, we need that to be documented in HubSpot (i.e. met with Sydney 3/18). If you reach out to someone about their Next Step card, we need that to be documented in HubSpot (i.e. called and left a message for Sydney 3/18). If you send someone a form to sign up or help them get connected to a GC, we need that to be documented in HubSpot (i.e. connected Sydney to Oldham GC 3/18 or sent a form to serve with Connections).
This will help us to understand what types of contact we are having with covenant members, attendees, and visitors while also increasing the context for the people we contact. This will be really helpful, for example, when people request to speak to an elder because it allows us to gauge if anyone on staff has had contact with this member, what interactions have been like, etc. It's also helpful if we are wanting to connect people to specific ministries to see if they've already had contact with ministry directors or if we need to act as that bridge!

Hopefully, by lowering the standards on what content needs to be included in the notes, we can increase the consistency with which we are documenting the contacts we have had with people!! As always, details are helpful, but at the very minimum, we need to know who has had contact with people and what the nature of that contact was! Please take some time to do this weekly at the very least so we can keep up with it!!

Rules for Notes:

We want to make sure that we are keeping our people's personal information as secure as possible. For that reason, here is a list of the things that are inbounds and out of bounds:

  • Inbounds:
    • Meeting Notes
    • General Concerns
    • Church Related Suggestions
    • Serving Interests
    • Life Changes/Transitions
    • Next Step Call Notes
    • Grievances
    • Generalized Prayer Requests
    • Development Pathway Progress
  • Out of Bounds:
    • Personal Sin Struggles
    • Unnecessary Details
    • Weekly Discipleship Notes

*Don't post any content that would create a liability issue for Redeemer

How to Make a Note:

When you get to the person's profile, you will see this: 

Click on the "Notes" section. Then you will see this:

Start typing in the "Add a note about...." box. Before you can add your note you'll have to select who will be able to see the note. There is more info on this below in the "Privacy on Notes" section. 

You'll also notice the "Include Family" button. This option allows you to see all of the notes for everyone in that family grouping. It does not mean that you are adding a generalized note for the family. 

Edit or Delete a Note:

Go to the Notes tab on a profile and hover over the note until you see the word "Delete" appear. Once you click this you will be able to delete the note. To edit a note, scroll over the note and you will see a pencil in the right corner of the box, this will allow you to edit this note. NOTE: Be careful to not accidentally delete someone else's note

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